
Showing posts from July, 2023

Ultimate Perspective

2 Samuel 16 In his book  A Tale of Three Kings , Gene Edwards put these words into the mouth of David: “The throne is not mine. Not to have, not to take, not to protect, and not to keep. The throne is the LORD’s.” It was that kind of heart that kept David on-track through such a difficult time and enabled him to even be  refreshed .

Breath & Prayer

  Just as surely as air is the breath of life for our bodies, prayer becomes the breath of life for our spirits. It is the means by which we make our Connection. Just as talking to another in the fellowship of forgiveness is the medium of life between people, so prayer as the expression of our inner being is the means by which we have fellowship with God. This is why we must learn to walk in the light. ( SA  137).

Step 11: False Belief: Meditation is weird and God doesn't love it... right??

 Step 11: False Belief: Meditation is weird and God doesn't love it... right?? “1.  What preconceptions have I had about meditation? I previously thought that meditation was boring, and maybe weird. Guided meditation with Tony Litser and John my old sponsor was very good, very relaxing and emotional, mentally and spiritually beautiful. A type of meditation Step into Action suggests is: “I began to see that a heart-to-heart talk with my spouse or my child could be a form of meditation. ” For me that's incredible. From Step into Action: “My God is my good friend today. I can talk to Him any time or place. I occasionally lapse back into the belief in a God of retribution who is out to get me. When that happens I ask God to remove that thought from me and I am reminded of how much He loves me.”

Unchanging Principles of Leadership: Joseph of Egypts' Enduring Faith

Unchanging Principles of Leadership By Wendell J. Ashton Principles of Leadership As a youth he was rejected. His own brothers cast him into a pit and then sold him as a slave. While still a young man, he was bound in a dungeon because he turned away from a woman who tempted him. And was in it for 2 years. When he was brought out, he was taken before the Pharaoh. He had heard of Joseph the prisoner’s reputation for interpreting dreams. Catch Joseph’s reply to Pharaoh’s request, his first recorded words after being released: “It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace,” said Joseph. ( Gen. 41:16 .) Joseph had kept the faith—faith in his Heavenly Father. He had remained free as a slave and as a prisoner because he had kept close to the Lord. Yet there are young men and women today who become slaves when they are free because they unfortunately reach for a pill (or any addiction) when they suffer a reverse or feel rejected.  

Step 10 2. What helps me to realize when I need to do a spot check inventory?

Step 10.  2. What helps me to realize when I need to do a spot check inventory? A. When I hear vulgarity, swearing, and it becomes constant and repetitive in my head. B. When I fantasize about women or think it's ok to 'just have a little peak' or 'take a sip'. 7.10.2023 I need to surrender to God and the group that it's not OK to click on actresses and try and see trailers for naughty movies they are in on Amazon prime. C. When I'm feeling discouraged about life in general; making a list of blessings I have: 1. No brain cancer. 2. A lovely wife. 3. Cute and awesome kids. 4. A house. 5. A great job with a great boss.

Step 10 How to stay connected with our Higher Power, and He becomes victorious over those defects.

  We see that the term self-restraint is not implying that we can, by power of will and determination, ever control our lusting or force away our own character defects. That is God’s job. What we can do is develop a healthier response to strong feelings and emotions. In our addiction, we could only ever react to strong feelings. The Steps provide a better answer. If through working Step Ten our “automatic response” becomes to inventory why we are feeling what we’re feeling and then act on what we discover––either through surrender of an offending character defect to God, or making amends to right a wrong and heal a relationship––then, instead of simply reacting, we become more able to “do the next right thing!” We are not developing any new power over our defects; we are simply learning how to stay connected with our Higher Power, and He becomes victorious over those defects.

Brett Jewkes: Arthur Blank

When you get a bad customer, ask is there anything WE did wrong? In interviewing technicians: Are you a good person? No one gets promoted unless they align with the values. 

Step 10: Am I willing to acquire “the habit of accurate self-appraisal” (12&12 89)?

  1. Am I willing to acquire “the habit of accurate self-appraisal” (12&12 89)? How can I acquire it? (the habit of accurate self-appraisal) Yes. By reading the steps and practicing. For me, as the 12& 12 state "It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us ." So if I'm upset I at someone, I'm, not extending them mercy, or expecting them to be more than human, or taking their words or actions personally, etc. If I get offended it's foolish because if the person giving the offense truly loves me, they don't meant to give offense. If they don't love me in that moment, I shouldn't pay attention b/c the correction/offense was given without love. “He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool.”