Unchanging Principles of Leadership: Joseph of Egypts' Enduring Faith
Unchanging Principles of Leadership
Principles of Leadership
As a youth he was rejected. His own brothers cast him into a pit and then sold him as a slave. While still a young man, he was bound in a dungeon because he turned away from a woman who tempted him. And was in it for 2 years. When he was brought out, he was taken before the Pharaoh. He had heard of Joseph the prisoner’s reputation for interpreting dreams. Catch Joseph’s reply to Pharaoh’s request, his first recorded words after being released: “It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace,” said Joseph. (Gen. 41:16.)
Joseph had kept the faith—faith in his Heavenly Father. He had remained free as a slave and as a prisoner because he had kept close to the Lord. Yet there are young men and women today who become slaves when they are free because they unfortunately reach for a pill (or any addiction) when they suffer a reverse or feel rejected.
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