The Mad Titan FANOS.
Feelings: Share with your partner a feeling you experienced today.
Affirmations/Appreciations : Affirm your partner for who he/she is and tell him/her something you appreciate that he/she has done today. This is “you are _____” and “I appreciated it when you _____.”
Needs: State a need you currently have (not necessarily one that must be met by your partner). This could be a need you just recognized or one you have mentioned before that still has not been met. Don’t skip this one. Sometimes you may have to think for a minute before you can think of what you need you can share.
Ownership: Take responsibility and apologize for something you have said or done or celebrate something you've taken ownership of.
Struggles/Sobriety: Agree together beforehand on what struggle/sobriety topic each person will discuss. It can be any number of things. Some examples are your sobriety date, recovery work, your diet, exercise, raging, perfectionism, criticizing, compulsively checking up on your partner, or secretly snooping. If you are an addict, you need to be focusing on sobriety and recovery work. Be specific but not graphic.
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