A Society With No Soul?
To paraphrase what I heard on a podcast recently:
What we are experiencing right now is so miraculous we don't even realize it... we have things so good:
1. We throw away more food than we consume
2. We have an obesity problem, not a starvation problem
3. We have more information out there, but we are lacking in wisdom...
life is not sweet and better because of those developments, if you focus on only the advancements you get a society with a bunch of stuff and no soul. The first application of a genuine faith:The righteous shall be informed by the truth of who God and his son Jesus Christ are.
My comment: When you know who THEY are you can love yourself and love others, no matter what because THEY love you no matter what.
Depending on which Podcast provider you are using the times may vary. Here's where it starts on the website: 30:43.
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