Daily Prayers
Want to reconnect daily with Renae in a non-stressful non-triggering way.
At the farm, rode the dirt bike around with the helmet on. It made my clutch hand ache, was so much fun. Played secret hilter and de stinking the entire room of socks and shoes and several girls changed their clothes b/c they were afraid their crotchs stunk. Wonderful drive up here playing the letter game and playing ping pong with uncle Paul.
11/27/2022 Sunday after Thanksgiving. Went to church Preston daughter gave a great talk about how much the wheelers and Donna Miyuki have been great with their son in primary. Running a fever now everyone's sick except for Renee. Feel strongly I need to continue contact with Spencer and contact Rob and katrice on his progress.
I was thinking about my goals for the addiction recovery group I really wish I could get it to the top of Google so when someone searches for men's addiction recovery near me it pops up. I don't think that's possible without me spending some serious time I'm going to see if I can at least get it listed with essay but I can do meetings that have more preparation some more energy that I believe will help people come back.
Warren came over and give us some chicken parmesan it's very generous because we've been sick I've had the flu and a cough. I called Sarah King Horn to check up and see how the family was doing and they might come down and stay with us between Christmas and New Year's Eve Renee and I were talking about who care it doesn't like to observe holidays because it means lost Revenue for Guru gutter cleaning and right after the prayer she said observed holidays! Like she just remembered the actual word because Christmas falls on a Sunday so the observed holiday would be on Monday. Also was thinking about how to help the addiction recovery meeting and want to call all the Bishops and stake presidents and remind them and let them know as well as be more energetic and prepare small lessons for the meetings.
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