Facilitator Empathy - Kevin - Cam

A wonderful remarkable thing happened tonight at the meeting. Cameron asked me and told me afterward how I was able to provide incredible empathy for Kevin. I hadn't realized that I had grown exponentially in empathy and compassion for members of the group and customers. When the meeting got started Kevin what's rambling about his drug and lust addiction having his car stolen relapsing and not knowing how to work the steps and get out of the muddled mess. I felt strongly in my mind the words quote don't try and fix him unquote and felt like it was good for him to speak be open and vulnerable and realize what he wanted to accomplish moving forward. And though it wasn't a specific time to share in the framework of the meeting I would damage or halt the flow of Kevin's recovery in that moment if I were to stop him. I called him quote you are repenting by coming to the meetings and being honest and open quote.

I was very grateful for Cameron to recognize this and ask about it. 


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