Taking The Wind out of 'Ol Scratch's Sails

The war that began in heaven has only changed venues. 

We're on earth literally fighting for our souls. For the freedom and burden that comes with free choice and agency. Lucifer is trying to create self-doubt, anger, bitterness and demolish the family, and connections to God and our fellow human beings.

If you a moral person, when you wake up, the Devil thinks "I hate when they're awake, they do so much good!"

A large part of this is striking first. 

In the scriptures in Alma 52:1, the Christian leader of his army "put(s) a javelin to [the] heart" of the king.He effectively put a damper on the evil kings strategy to enslave the good Christians of the land.

How do we do this?

Just like war. We Defend and Fight.


In revelations it says we overcome Satan by the word of God and the blood of the lamb. Our testimony of Jesus Christ. So we need to pray and study the scriptures.

We need to build walls around our souls and home. Put filters on your internet, make sure you aren't using apps or social media where pornography is available or that even promote negativity.


I help facilitate an addiction recovery group for men.

We are Pro-Christ. Canceling Netflix is hard but it cuts us off from the Holy Spirit..

Satan wants to make it as hard as possible to decide.


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