
Showing posts from August, 2024

conquerors through him that loved us.

Chapter 20 The Ammonites and others attack Judah—Jehoshaphat and all the people fast and pray—Jahaziel prophesies the deliverance of Judah—Judah’s attackers war among and destroy themselves. we can praise God that Jesus Christ has fought the battle for our salvation and to rescue us from the judgment of God that we so rightly deserved. This makes us more than conquerors in Jesus Christ because He fights the battle and defeats our foe, and we share in the spoil. Romans 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 2 Chronicles 20: 20-21  So they rose early in the morning and went: This showed that they really did believe the prophecy from Jahaziel. It was one thing to profess faith among an excited assembly; it was another thing to actually walk out to meet the enemy armies. As they went out before the army: The singers and worshippers led the army into this battle. It was clear that Judah expected a battle because they brought the army. Yet it was

Unashamed Unafraid EP 116

Christian and Kelley's Story Recovery is about pain management.  Addiction is about unmanaged pain. 

2 Chronicles Serve God where you are.

2 Chronicles 17: 11-19. Amasiah the son of Zichri, who willingly offered himself to the LORD There is no lawful occupation in which a man cannot thoroughly serve the Lord. It is a great privilege and blessing to be set apart to the work of winning souls; but we must never separate that work from all the rest of the callings of life, as though it alone were sacred, and all the rest were secular and almost sinful. Serve God where you are.” (Spurgeon)