Forgiving someone doesn’t mean I condone the wrong
As I approached Step Eight, I ran into a roadblock of personal pride: I believed that the wrongs I did and the mistakes I made were unforgivable, so I thought amends were impossible. How could I forgive others if I could not forgive myself? As I worked Step Eight, I asked God to help me learn about forgiveness. I came to see that forgiving someone doesn’t mean I condone the wrong; it means I accept that it happened and let go of judgment. After all, Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake Until I could accept my sexaholism, I could not stay sober ( AA 417). I began to accept others without resentment and slowly became willing to make amends for the wrongs I did to them, regardless of what they had done to me. An unexpected result of this was that I began to accept myself in a more loving way.