
Showing posts from June, 2023

Forgiving someone doesn’t mean I condone the wrong

  As I approached Step Eight, I ran into a roadblock of personal pride: I believed that the wrongs I did and the mistakes I made were unforgivable, so I thought amends were impossible. How could I forgive others if I could not forgive myself? As I worked Step Eight, I asked God to help me learn about forgiveness. I came to see that forgiving someone doesn’t mean I condone the wrong; it means I accept that it happened and let go of judgment. After all, Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake Until I could accept my sexaholism, I could not stay sober ( AA  417).   I began to accept others without resentment and slowly became willing to make amends for the wrongs I did to them, regardless of what they had done to me. An unexpected result of this was that I began to accept myself in a more loving way.

Step 7 - Humility

  Step Seven requires humility. Humility is honest, accurate self- perception. Humility is seeing ourselves right-sized, rightly proportioned to our Higher Power and our fellows. Humility is seeing ourselves as we really are, as our Higher Power would see us. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions defines humility as “a clear recognition of what and who we really are, followed by a sincere attempt to become what we could be. Therefore, our first practical move toward humility must consist of recognizing our deficiencies. No defect can be corrected unless we clearly see what it is (12&12 58). Thinking highly or lowly of ourselves is a form of pride or fear, and humility is the opposite of both.

David is Jesus and we are Mephibosheth

2 Samuel 9 Now David is finally king after he was anointed by Samuel over 15 YEARS later.  Usually kings would secure their position by exiling or killing anyone who was connected with the previous dynasty (Saul's family). And Saul tried to kill David MULTIPLE times. Instead he remembers the covenant and relationship he made with Jacob, Saul's son, and shows kindness to the only living relative of Saul. (Mephibosheth). David’s grace to Mephibosheth a beautiful metaphor. · We are hiding, poor, weak, lame, and fearful before our King comes to us. · We are separated from our King because of our wicked ancestors. · We are separated from our King because of our deliberate actions. · We separated ourselves from the King because we didn’t know Him or His love for us. · The King’s kindness is based on covenant. · We are received as sons at the King’s table, with access to the King and fellowship with Him. - Mephibosheth was in exile because he thought the King would punish him. He was ...

Defect/Strength: Anger

How is righteous anger manifested? 

Step 5: Am I willing to go to any length for my recovery?

Step 5: Question  2. We consider the foundation of complete willingness (AA 12). Am I willing to go to any length for my recovery? I have attended meetings, almost weekly, for the past 11 years as of 6/6/2023 from my 1st meeting in Jan/Feb 2011. I've locked down my devices and called my sponsor and other lustaholics for months/years. I've worked a basic steps 1 - 12. I've listened to God about doing a step 1 inventory & getting a sponsor, to my wife about changing my blunt harmful behavior. I've read He Restoreth My Soul, AA & The White Book.

Step 1 Question 1: Then and Now

Step 1 Question 1: Then and Now   1.  What is my earliest recollection of sex? Was there anything compulsive or deviant about it? Then I remember being scared and ashamed that there might be something wrong with me; if I told my mom or anyone that I liked girls in bikinis in elementary school. I remember I was obsessed about the female body, especially breasts. Now I had no idea that this was extremely normal. I realize now that passion and attraction are Godly traits for the purpose of pleasure, creating children, and fulfilling your role as a husband and father.