
Showing posts from April, 2023

Abide - Lifetime AirBNB

The offer to abide in Christ is a permanent invitation to stay at his spiritual sanctuary. John 14:4  Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. Our spiritual fruit is good judgement, kindness and understanding. Great moments of spiritual realization don't do us much good unless we abide in those.  1 Sam 24: 16-22 And Saul went home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold : David didn’t go back home with Saul to be restored to his home and his place at the palace because David knew that as much as Saul meant it at the moment, the struggle would be to  remain  in the place of victory. i. Many times, a person repents and claims to recognize their sinful ways just like Saul did. But the validity of repentance and a changed heart isn’t demonstrated by the emotion or sincerity of a moment. It is demonstrated by the ongoing direction of one’s life and David had every rig...

What does it mean to testify?

Does testifying always mean verbal speech? Can I testify to myself or can I testifying be through actions only? Bonnie Cordon April 2023  I have attended the temple many times, but when I worship in the house of the Lord, it changes me. Sometimes while fasting, I find myself simply going hungry, but other times, I feast on the Spirit with purpose. I sometimes have mumbled prayers that are repetitive and routine, but I have also come eager to receive counsel from the Lord through prayer. There is power in making these holy habits less of a checklist and more of a witness.